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The year that was: 2021

    The year that was: 2021  It's been one helluva ride this year for us, isn't it? From the 2nd wave of covid unleashing hell to Neeraj's gold-medal-winning javelin throw that infused 1.3 billion Indians with pride. This is not our standard motivational blog on the channel, but instead,  it's about the year which saw the Taliban taking over Afghanistan to humanity standing hand in hand to fight against covid and racism with Black lives matter taking the world by storm, here are some major events from 2021.   Vaccination: Saviour of the masses  As we started this year, vaccination drives started across the globe as a ray of hope, as a saviour to help humanity through covid. We are witnessing new variants of covid as we near the end of the year; however, vaccines have greatly reduced chronic and fatal covid cases. Nearly half of the entire world's population has been vaccinated.   Space tourism: A billionaire's space race Richard Branson and...

The year that was: 2021

    The year that was: 2021 

It's been one helluva ride this year for us, isn't it? From the 2nd wave of covid unleashing hell to Neeraj's gold-medal-winning javelin throw that infused 1.3 billion Indians with pride.

This is not our standard motivational blog on the channel, but instead,  it's about the year which saw the Taliban taking over Afghanistan to humanity standing hand in hand to fight against covid and racism with Black lives matter taking the world by storm, here are some major events from 2021.


Vaccination: Saviour of the masses 

As we started this year, vaccination drives started across the globe as a ray of hope, as a saviour to help humanity through covid. We are witnessing new variants of covid as we near the end of the year; however, vaccines have greatly reduced chronic and fatal covid cases. Nearly half of the entire world's population has been vaccinated.


Space tourism: A billionaire's space race

Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos competed in a space race to be the world's first private citizen to reach space in which the former won and in July, Branson's Virgin Galactic space tourism company launched him along with other 5 crewmates and within 9 days of it, we saw Amazon's Jeff Bezos conquering the space and that's how we entered the era of space tourism.


The year of nostalgia: A reunion for ages

This one is for all the Friend's fans out there, so, finally, FINALLY after waiting for long long years we saw our favourite characters coming together to give their fans that show of a lifetime.

Then happened Spiderman: No way home (No spoilers 😁) and boy do wishes comes true? they did and we saw the reunion of our beloved heroes, all thanks to Marvel and Sony.


Sportastic year: The year in sports

With the Olympics and Euros happening at the same time, it is truly one of the best times to be a sports fan. Following the Euros, Italy became champions of Europe and Neeraj Chopra ended India's 12-year long gold medal drought in the Olympics. 

We also saw our GOATs (Greatest of All Time) move to their new homes this year, such as Lionel Messi leaving Barcelona after 21 years, Cristiano Ronaldo making his long-awaited return to Manchester United, and Max Verstappen winning the F1 world championship by beating 7-time champ Lewis Hamilton on the last lap.


Everyone has their way to describe this year, it wreaked havoc on some while doing wonders to others, to each his own, it affected us all in one way or another. The easy way or hard we all learned our lessons, so did I. So, here are some of them.

Acknowledge Yourself: 

Know yourself, observe the way you feel, ask what you want and expect from someone and something, and reflect on your emotions. We tend to look for problems outside while the root cause lies inside us. We are so used to avoiding our feelings and digging up our emotions that we have started to think it's normal, but it isn't. Some of us even think that this makes us strong. However, I believe that the strong are the ones who know and understand themselves, the ones who feel and live through emotions, and those who are the ones who are most happy in their lives.

So next time rather than digging your feelings try to acknowledge them, feel the pain, feel the joy and happiness because you only get one life and it's meant to be lived.



Most of the time, things are not as difficult as we feel and not everything is terrible. We've made it through one of the most difficult times in human history and if you are having your close ones with you and you were able to get through this year without much of a hassle then that's more than enough to be grateful for because many people lost someone close this year, people were unable to get food, unable to feed their children and some even lost their fortunes. 

Additionally, gratitude provides a new paradigm to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. It soothes our turbulent minds by connecting us with the wonderfully ordinary things, both large and small, that we might otherwise take for granted.


 Be Kind

Kindness is, was, and will never be out of fashion in eons. Be kind not only to others but also to yourself. Forgive yourself for the mistakes from the past, and let the guilt fade away which you have been holding for so long. We are living in times where everyone is battling through their personal battles and if we can't make it better for others, we shouldn't be making it any worse, so next time when stuck in traffic rather than being angry and shouting at others, Be kind.


We are living in difficult and unprecedented times, times where "How to heal?" is one of the most searched Google's terms and people are slowly realizing the worth of mental health and its effects on us. 

Healing helps us to get back on track and to re-align ourselves with our soul and inner selves. Complete yourself before completing others, fill the colours in your life before lighting up someone else's world.

Don't hurry to heal, take your time cuz good things take time and come back stronger.


 Be the part of the solution: 

Do your bit. Now the question arises 'What's my bit? This year, we saw people sharing information about covid resources on their social media handles, as well as salient heroes who provided and even shared their food and resources. Anyone can raise an issue or a problem but only a few are able to solve them and be a part of the solution.


At last, I wanna wish you all a very Happy new year.

Dear 2022, setting hopes high on you mate and please be a little kind to the humankind.



I would like to thank you all for visiting the blog and do subscribe to the blog site for future posts.

If you liked the blog, then share it with the people you care about because "Sharing is Caring".

 Your opinions and suggestions to improve the future blog are highly appreciated in the comment section. 


Latest posts:- Blog on how to convert Failure into success how-to-convert-failure-into-success

Blog on Self-Improvement-  Run Your Own Race- Take the charge of your life.


Blog on Happiness and its effects on our lives-  Happiness and How it affects us, Lead a happy life.


The post on the wonders of willpower-  Walk Your Talk- The story of an Unbreakable Will.






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