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The year that was: 2021

    The year that was: 2021  It's been one helluva ride this year for us, isn't it? From the 2nd wave of covid unleashing hell to Neeraj's gold-medal-winning javelin throw that infused 1.3 billion Indians with pride. This is not our standard motivational blog on the channel, but instead,  it's about the year which saw the Taliban taking over Afghanistan to humanity standing hand in hand to fight against covid and racism with Black lives matter taking the world by storm, here are some major events from 2021.   Vaccination: Saviour of the masses  As we started this year, vaccination drives started across the globe as a ray of hope, as a saviour to help humanity through covid. We are witnessing new variants of covid as we near the end of the year; however, vaccines have greatly reduced chronic and fatal covid cases. Nearly half of the entire world's population has been vaccinated.   Space tourism: A billionaire's space race Richard Branson and...

Walk your talk-The Story Of An Unbreakable Will.



      Your Talk Talks And Your Walk Talks,

       But Your Walk Talks Louder Than Your Talk Talks.

You may often cross paths with this term "Walk Your Talk" but what does it actually mean? It simply means your actions match your words but according to me there is a little bit deeper meaning of this term. People aren't going to follow your words but they are going to follow your actions.

 To me, It's about one of the human's biggest assets and yet the hardest to achieve our "Will Power". We all have this asset but hardly anyone considers its effects on our daily lifestyle. Talking of Will Power we can give each other numerous examples of how 'humans have achieved something extraordinary with it ' but then 'Why we give examples when we can be an example on our own? 

'Will Power' - It's our commitment and dedication towards our goals. It determines whether we can stand by our words when the odds are not on our side. It determines our responses and actions towards external circumstances which are out of our comfort zone but most importantly it's our ability that keeps us dedicated and focused on our dreams and fundamental values rather than being a slave to our weaker impulses.

This is one of the greatest Indian ancient mantras.  It means whatever or how worse the conditions are, you have to stand by your words. Even in a 'Do or Die' condition, you have to stand by your words.
This mantra is here for many centuries and 'why it is still here ?' The answer is simple because It works. So the message is clear, you always have to stand by your words no matter what the circumstances are.

Due to the power of human will, many unthinkable achievements have come true. Along with the ability to never give up and Will, Power humans have made new inventions, defeated deadly diseases, made it to the top, and lived a happy and successful life.

People with strong 'Will Power' are rich in character and have strong fundamental values. Their time revolves around these values and hence they are highly effective in time management. Therefore, building strong willpower will prove to be fruitful for your long-term goals.

So here are some techniques which will help you to build a stronger 'willpower ' and ultimately help you to 'walk your talk'-

  • The Vow Of Silence

  It is human tendency to run away from silence. The urge to speak is one of the most basic habits. So whenever an urge to speak unnecessarily pops up, suppress it with your willpower. In this way, you are suppressing your weaker impulses i.e. an urge to speak. By doing this little yet effective practice we can our willpower.

  • Stand Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone like, if you fear to swim then try it once if you fear traveling alone then pack your bags and plan a trip for yourself ultimately I wanna say that don't let you weaker impulses like fear to rule you. Wage war against your weaker thoughts and they will leave like unwanted guests.

Have the courage to see out of the walls which were built by you to protect yourself from the outside world and finally have the courage to do the thing which you fear the most. Don't be a slave to your weaker impulses.

Ex- If you fear public speaking (i also used to fear it), then often imagine yourself giving public speeches, preparing them, and rehearsing it multiple times. Now, when that fear arises, suppress this weaker impulse (fear of speaking) with your 'Will Power' courage to stand out of the box. With every successive attempt, you will boost up your willpower.  

As we do this practice, along with increasing our willpower, it also increases our creativity as our perspective widens and we tap into the untapped human potential.

In the end, I want to conclude that by building the strong 'Will Power', we can "Walk Our Talk" and rather than giving the examples, we can be that example.

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 Your opinions and suggestions to improve the future blog are highly appreciated in the comment section. 

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Latest posts:-  Blog on Self-Improvement-  Run Your Own Race- Take the charge of your life.

Blog on Happiness and its effects on our lives-  Happiness and How it affects us, Lead a happy life.

The post on Converting Failure into Success-How to get over Failure and convert it into Success.

Thank you.


  1. Thank you for my morning motivation

    1. Pleasure is all mine...stay tuned for future posts.

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  3. Thanks for sharing keep the good and so necessary work

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