The year that was: 2021 It's been one helluva ride this year for us, isn't it? From the 2nd wave of covid unleashing hell to Neeraj's gold-medal-winning javelin throw that infused 1.3 billion Indians with pride. This is not our standard motivational blog on the channel, but instead, it's about the year which saw the Taliban taking over Afghanistan to humanity standing hand in hand to fight against covid and racism with Black lives matter taking the world by storm, here are some major events from 2021. Vaccination: Saviour of the masses As we started this year, vaccination drives started across the globe as a ray of hope, as a saviour to help humanity through covid. We are witnessing new variants of covid as we near the end of the year; however, vaccines have greatly reduced chronic and fatal covid cases. Nearly half of the entire world's population has been vaccinated. Space tourism: A billionaire's space race Richard Branson and...
"How to get over failure"
Failure and success are no different and indeed opposite sides of the same coin.
In this blog, I will try to show you the unseen side of failure with my glasses and discuss various aspects of failure such as, "why people often fear to fail?", "Is there any other side of failure" and then some subtle tricks that will help you convert failure into success?
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But first, thank you for visiting the blog. Subscribe to the blog to get more content in the future and if you like the content then share it with your friends (Sharing Is Caring).

So, after failing 3 times in a row to successfully launch his first mission in space, he didn't give up and instead learned from his mistakes and make constant improvements each time after failing. What happened? , he successfully launched his first mission and was rewarded with a billion-dollar deal with NASA. After consecutively failing 3 times, he reached a stage where he was on the way to becoming bankrupt. Instead of quitting after failure, he made constant improvements step by step until he finally achieved his ultimate goal.
From the above example of "Man of Failure", we can now clearly understand how failures can lead us to our ultimate goals and are a part of our success.
Remember the phrase "slow and steady wins the race". That's actually how life goes, it's not even and fair with anyone. One day you would be overwhelmed with victory and on another day you would be tasting defeat but what makes some people stand out is their will to "Never give up" and their ability to be steady.
If you see it with my glasses, then failure is just an opportunity for us to grow. F.A.I.L. - It can be elaborated as "First Attempt In Learning".There is no such thing as "Absolute reality", a situation that is a failure to one can be an opportunity to grow for someone else. Just like a crawling baby is learning to stand on his own, he falls many times in the process but in the end, the same crawler can now stand on his own. The same goes for us too, if we want to achieve our goals, then we have to stand every time we fail, just like the crawler baby.
The root cause of this problem lies in our mentality and thinking. When someone falls, we generally tag them with the tag of "losers" and believe me anyone doesn't want that tag. Since we fear to be called a "loser", therefore we consider failure as something devastating and fear it. Another reason is, when we are growing up, most of us were taught that "failing is not an option". As we grow, that fear of failing constantly remains in our minds and stops us from growing.
Usually, when we can't achieve our goals and the odds don't seem to be on our side, we lose hope and tag ourselves with the tag of "loser". So my question to you all is, "Why can't you give yourself another chance and another shot at the opportunity?". We give others a chance and an opportunity to perform once again to achieve their targets and regain our trust but when it comes down to us, most of us just hesitate to do it in the fear of "Failing" and due to our low self-confidence. When this happens every time and we hesitate every time then, we lose our self-esteem and our hopes to achieve the target.
It makes ordinary men into "Legends", it makes losers "The Achievers", it can also do the same to you if "You're Ready For It". Failure hurts the most and still brings out the best in us. Keep in mind, If you're truly committed to your goals, then failure just acts as a catalyst to your burning desires towards your goals. It gives us the knowledge we seek for success, the motivation and inspiration required to achieve success. It also acts as a reminder to you, that if you don't work hard and hustle then you can taste the sour taste of failure again.
Remember the phrase "slow and steady wins the race". That's actually how life goes, it's not even and fair with anyone. One day you would be overwhelmed with victory and on another day you would be tasting defeat but what makes some people stand out is their will to "Never give up" and their ability to be steady.
What is the failure?

Why do people often fear failing?

Is there any other side of failure?
Yes, there is another side of failure which leads us to success and happiness. All it takes to witness that side is to change in your paradigm. Change your perception about failing and think of it as a master or teacher which gives you lifelong lessons by giving you some harsh experiences. It can defeat the losers but at the same time inspire the winners.
So, It's your decision whether you want to get defeated or get inspired.
Now you got the idea of what failing is according to me and we have also discussed the various aspects of failing. After witnessing the other side of failure which ultimately leads to success. Now, I would like to share some subtle tricks which would help you to overcome failure and convert failure into success.
Here are some steps which would help you to overcome failure:-
Never fear failure- Courtesy of positive thinking.
In the first place, my question to you is, "Why we should fear it ?" There is no such thing as absolute reality and hence as true defeat. Failure for one can be a victory for someone else. Remember the situation, "Where the optimist sees the water glass as half-filled?" It's all in the mind, therefore it all depends on our thinking and our ability to perceive the situations. Positive thinking is the key to overcoming this fear. Have an ability to see "good in bad", to see"other side of the coin" to see "Beyond the horizon".
Be kind to Yourself

Remember, when you can give others an opportunity "A Chance", so why don't you deserve it. Be kind to others but be kind to yourself first. This will make a huge difference in the long run.
You're not going to Die
Yes, It's the best statement that can motivate you towards success and give you another shot at the opportunity. The failure is not going to kill you but it is the best teacher which can give you the knowledge you seek "If You Are Ready For It!". Most importantly, you don't want to regret in the coming future missing the opportunity in hand when you had a chance.
The Greatest Motivator

In the end, I want to conclude that failure or success are two sides of the same coin, and "If You Are Ready For It", then you can convert your biggest of failure into your Greatest of Success.
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Latest posts:- Blog on Self-Improvement- Run Your Own Race- Take the charge of your life.
Blog on Happiness and its effects on our lives- Happiness and How it affects us, Lead a happy life.
The post on the wonders of willpower- Walk Your Talk- The story of an Unbreakable Will.
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