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The year that was: 2021

    The year that was: 2021  It's been one helluva ride this year for us, isn't it? From the 2nd wave of covid unleashing hell to Neeraj's gold-medal-winning javelin throw that infused 1.3 billion Indians with pride. This is not our standard motivational blog on the channel, but instead,  it's about the year which saw the Taliban taking over Afghanistan to humanity standing hand in hand to fight against covid and racism with Black lives matter taking the world by storm, here are some major events from 2021.   Vaccination: Saviour of the masses  As we started this year, vaccination drives started across the globe as a ray of hope, as a saviour to help humanity through covid. We are witnessing new variants of covid as we near the end of the year; however, vaccines have greatly reduced chronic and fatal covid cases. Nearly half of the entire world's population has been vaccinated.   Space tourism: A billionaire's space race Richard Branson and...

Happiness And How It Affects Us

Happiness And How It Affects Us 

"Success is not key to happiness, happiness is key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful "

                                                                                    -Albert Schweitzer

Up until now, we have listened a lot about "Happiness". So actually, What Is Happiness !??
  There is no straight answer to this question.  The measure of happiness varies from person to person like for some getting good marks is happiness, while for some talking to "That" person is an achievement but according to me, happiness is a feeling which we feel which arises from our core and make us forget every worry in that moment of time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

    There is an old saying of " Success is key to happiness " but according to me "Happiness is key to success". You will be more delighted in the journey to reach your goal, rather than achieving the goal itself. The path gives us experience whether good or bad but it teaches us a lot and finally, when you achieve your goal,  you will always remember the lessons of that path and will always be happy about your day-to-day victories in achieving your ultimate big goal.

Being happy focuses you on your goals. You enjoy every single event and every little joy. You become more grateful towards mother nature and everyone who is supportive of you. You become more productive and the monster of depression can't roam around you. It is also scientifically proven that laughing and being happy reduces the amount of stress in our body and leads to a healthy body of the person.

Everyone knows the importance of being happy but "Are we happy? ", The answer for most people would not be affirmative. So,  here are some tips that can help you to lead a happy life:-

Have the courage to do things you fear like if you fear to swim then give it a shot if you fear traveling alone then pack your bags and plan a trip for yourself ultimately I wanna say that don't let your weaker impulses like a fear rule you. Wage war against your weaker thoughts and they will leave like unwanted guests.

Don't complicate your life as life is already so much complicated for most of us so, we shouldn't make it more complicated and try to make it simple, like miss someone -call them, love someone - tell them. Develop anything you love as your hobby and dedicate your time towards budding your hobby and doing the things we love not only makes us happy but also utilizes our time.

Laugh when you do not even feel so and let your laugh make you happy. It is a proven fact that when you "Laugh Out Loud " your mind automatically feels happier.

Optimize and Prioritise your life, do the things which are more important, and help you in achieving something rather than doing the things that are not so much important and less useful. 

Develop a positive attitude towards your life and see the results of changing your perception of your life.

In the end, the only thing we can say is that the quote " Laughter Is The Best Medicine " is true.

There is no path to happiness, happiness is the only path

Your feedback is highly appreciated, so please give your opinions in the comment section. You can also share the blog with your friends and family, so they can also find some secrets to their happiness.
Now you can with us on social media by clicking the follow button. Thank you.


  1. i want to apply execution in my thoughts and plan

    1. Dear faizan, you can read the blog - walk your talk, for execution and better plan management.

  2. I am really grateful to you. I pray for you

  3. Thank you so much for showing us great things

  4. Pleasure is all mine, please stay connected for upcoming posts.


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